
Showing posts from August, 2022

Steps to Upgrade SPAM

Go to service marketplace and download the required version Go to transaction SPAM - client 000 (do not use DDIC) and go to Support Package > From Application Server > and press Yes . This will upload the file from /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in and you will get below screen. Now go to menu and select Support Package > import SPAM /Saint Update and press green check mark to start deploying the update. Once the update is finished , go out and execute SPAM again. Now you can see the new version deployed.

Mapping Directory in AL11 Tcode

Go to AL11 Tcode Click on the Configure User Directories

How to create a Business Partner for a User in Solution Manager ITMS Configuration

Run the report AI_SDK_USER_BP_GEN in SE38 Select the username  and RFC Then Execute

SAP Business One Company is in cleanup process; additional users not allowed [Message 131-37]

 Error:  Solution:  Execute the below SQL query  UPDATE CINF SET "CompanySta" = 'V'

SAP Solution Manager Program _SLD_INSTPRD cannot be found in RZ70

 Solution: The program _SLD_INSTPRD is the SLD Data Supplier Program for CIM classes 'SAP_InstalledProduct' and 'SAP_InstalledSoftwareFeature', which by its turn delivers information relating to Products and Software components from ABAP end to SLD. In order to make it avaliable in RZ70, on the right hand of Data Collection Programs, there's a button called "Proposal": When activated, this button will populate the Data Collection Programs list with all the programs that are recommended by SAP, including _SLD_INSTPRD program. This will also automatically activate the program.

Solution Manager Unable to Load Groups in SM_WORKCENTER: "ICF node for Service 'PAGE_BUILDER_PERS', Namespace '/UI2/' not available under node 'odata'"

  Resolution First of all, ensure that the configuration steps indicated in KBA  2388075  have been performed. If so, and the error still occurs: Run transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICES and filter by namespace /UI2/:   For each of the services displayed, check that the status under ICF nodes (for ICF node "ODATA") is not set:  Select this "ODATA" node (standard mode) and click on "ICF node" -> Activate: You will be asked to select a package. For example if there is no package available, you can select local object or type $TMP in the field. Note: When choosing local object, this is local and it cannot be transported. Then click OK or the green check icon  While on the "Activate and Maintain Services" page with the service selected, click "Add System Alias" Click "New Entries" to begin editing the below fields Search for and add the service in field "Service Doc. Identifier" Search for and add LOCAL in the field ...

SAP Business One Service Layer Does Not Use Updated SSL Certificate After Reconfiguration Process

Solution:   Login into Linux system Go usr/sap/SAPBusinessOne/ServiceLayer/Conf folder Stop all the servertool, Servicelayer, webclinet service and replace the new certificate files Start all the service layer services

SAP Business One Web Client Tiles Not Loading (tiles.svc 500 Internal Server Error)

Error: W hile trying to read the field 'bind' of a null object loaded from field of an object loaded from local variable 'tile" when we are logging into specific company Issue: This issue mainly occurs when adding any web client extension tile to the web client home page and you unassign the extension from the extension manager. Solution: Delete the existing users from the SAP Business One and OUSR table and then recreate the user. Then tiles should load in the Web client.

SAP HANA Database 2.0 High Availability Step By Step process

  Introduction This blog post walk’s you through the step by step process for SAP HANA 2.0 high availability setup.  How to add a stand by host. A distributed HANA(scale out) setup need 2 servers (one worker, another  standby). Note  : Both Host1 and Host2  server’s date and time should be same. Below mentioned are the steps that need to followed for high availability setup. Host 1 (worker) SID = HDB Instance Number = 00 Hostname = ca Host Role = worker Host 2 (Standby) SID = HDB Instance Number = 00 Hostname = portal Host Role = Standby   NFS(network file system) is used to share the files between host1(worker) and host2(standby) (/hana/log, /hana/shared, /hana/data) *Operating system used SUSE Linux SP15 Configure NFS server on host1 (ca) Configure NFS client on host2 (portal)      Install SID= HDB, master node (Host1) using installation media’s HDBLCM   On master node(Host1) execute action configure_internal_network (using resident HD...

SAP Business One Company Initialization Error SAP DBTech JDBC: [259]: invalid table name: Could not find table/view M_TIME_DIMENSION in schema _SYS_BI

 Error:  2022-04-29 11:03:39|ERROR|ENABLEMENT|Failed to re-initialize company :module id=Hana Model Deployer; SAP DBTech JDBC: [259]: invalid table name:   Could not find table/view M_TIME_DIMENSION in schema _SYS_BI: line 4 col 14 (at pos 99)| 2022-04-29 11:03:38|ERROR|MODEL_DEPLOYMENT|Failed to execute sql statement: Create View Next6MonthEndView  as Select Top 6 Year, Month, Max(Date_SQL) as MonthEnd From _SYS_BI.M_TIME_DIMENSION Where Date_SAP <= Last_Day(Add_Months(Add_Days(CURRENT_DATE, 1-DayOfMonth(CURRENT_DATE)), 6)) and Date_Sql >Last_Day(CURRENT_DATE) Group By Year , Month Order By Year Desc, Month Desc, root cause: SAP DBTech JDBC: [259]: invalid table name:   Could not find table/view M_TIME_DIMENSION in schema _SYS_BI: line 4 col 14 (at pos 99)| Solution:   Login to HANA studio  Run the below Query from SYSTEM...

SAP Business One Sales Mobile Application Service App Configuration "-900002 Invalid license type"

Error :  Service App Configuration "-900002 Invalid license type" Solution:   Run the below query from the B1ADMIN user in the HANA database update SLDDATA.HOSTINGUNITS set LICENSESERVER_ID=( select ID from SLDDATA.LICENSESERVERS);

SAP ECC OS/DB Migration Error “DCOM Interface error: 8007042D. The service did not start due to a logon failure. “

Solution:  when I tried to change the password in Services of the properties tab, it said particular services are marked for deletion, so we have to create those services again by using Register Editor In command prompt: usr/sap/instance/exe> ntscmgr INSTALL SAPSID_00   is the command and then after creating services we need to add those requested services based on another instance.  Now restart all the SAP service SID’s and Oracle Services and start your SAP MMC.


  Solution:   Kernel upgrade (Kernel in exe2nd is having lowest release when compared to ABAP/exe and sys/exe) We downloaded the latest kernel and replace the kernel exe-2nd under SUM/ABAP/EXE-2nd   and started. It proceeded further

How to Add SAP HANA Database into SAP HANA Studio

Single or multiple systems can be added to HANA Studio for administration and information modeling purposes. To add new HANA system, host name, instance number and database user name and password is required. Port 3615 should be open to connect to Database Port 31015 Instance No 10 Port 30015 Instance No 00 SSh port should also be open  Following are the steps to add a system to HANA Studio Step 1: Right-click the Navigator space and click Add System. Enter HANA system details, i.e. Host name & Instance number and click Next Step 2: Enter Database user name and password to connect to SAP HANA database. Click Next and then Finish.

How To Create Tenant Database in SAP HANA Database 2.0

 Below are the steps that should be followed to create a tenant 1.  Login into SYSTEM DB from SAP HANA studio  2. Open the SQL console and then run the below query to create the tenant CREATE DATABASE <name> SYSTEM USER PASSWORD < password (it doesn’t accept special character) >