Reverse Proxy Configuration for SAP Business One API Gateway Service To Overcome CORS Issue
When API Gateway service is used in the frontend web application there is a CORS issue to access the API Gateway Service as there is no option to enable CORS This blog post will guide you through the steps to configure Nginx reverse proxy for API Gateway Service to overcome the CORS issue
Install Nginx
Operating System: SUSE Linux
Open a terminal window and enter the following to install Nginx:
zypper install nginx
Once the installation is finished use the below command to enable the Nginx:
sudo systemctl enable nginx
Below mentioned are the commands to start, stop and check the Nginx status:
sudo systemctl start nginx
Once the above command is used Nginx engine is started you can use http://<HOSTNAME / IP ADDRESS>:80 URL to check. You should see the below info on the web page sometimes you might also see 403 forbidden no need to worry!
sudo systemctl stop nginx
sudo systemctl status nginx
Navigate to /etc/nginx/conf.d and create a file with .conf extension
Maintain the reverse proxy rules in the created .conf file. Below mentioned are the proxy rules which I have used you can even modify them according to your scenario.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name <HOSTNAME>;
ssl_certificate <filename>.crt;
ssl_certificate_key <filename>.key; # The private key file
location / {
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
# Custom headers and headers various browsers *should* be OK with but aren't
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
# Tell client that this pre-flight info is valid for 20 days
add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
add_header 'Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
return 204;
if ($request_method = 'POST') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range';
if ($request_method = 'GET') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' 'https://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range';
proxy_pass https://https://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/; #API Gateway Service URL
Restart the Nginx and check you should be able to access the API Gateway service on the Nginx HTTPS port
sudo systemctl restart nginx
I hope this blog post is helpful.
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