SAP Local Client Copy

Execute SCCL on target System.

Target Client is Displayed

Select the Profile

specify the Source Client

schedule as a background job/or start immediately in the dialog mode.

Profile: it specifies the type of data that need to be copied from Source Client.(SAP_CUST is mandatory profile to setup all the new clients)

SAP_ALL--Copies the cust,application and usermaster(to setup training Client)

sap_appl--Copies cust and applicaton

sap_user--only user master

sap_cust---only customizing data

Client Copy Copies only the table entries from the source client and paste(copy) them in the same table with target client.(different MANDT).

The Number of tables will not increase due to a client copy.The entries are copied with a target client number.

Test run is used to check the resources that are required for client copy.


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