LOG BZA=> table SVERS does not exist on database
LOG BZA=> table SVERS does not exist on database
ERROR => saplikey: failed to read table SVERS after connecting to the database. [saplikey.c 834]
ERROR: -1 in function CheckCodepageType (SQLExecDirect failed) [line 33630]
(208) [42000] [SAP][ASE ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]DBPROPERTIES not found. Specif
y owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help ma
y produce lots of output).
-If you are facing the above error during the SYSTEM COPY at the create ICM user store phase. please make sure you have done the backup restore correctly.
- Check dev_likey.log, saplikey logs
- Try creating a temporary license manually using the saplikey command
Can also refer the below SNotes related to the issue
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